Remember when cameras used to look like this?
And film was the medium instead of memory sticks?
(I feel like a relic when I reminisce about stuff that is so obsolete now a days that it seems like an feigned memory rather than something real.)
Like when I get the urge to go on the hunt for a blue Smith-Corona typewriter.
Not the kind that plugs into an outlet. The kind with winding ribbon and keys that are hard to hit; but make that addicting tick-tick sound...

I've been wanting a "big girl's" camera for a while now.
I have a camera now.
It's quite adorable, portable and pink. It fits in most pockets and it's quite fashionable. I don't even have to compromise between it and my make up bag when I am choosing things to put in my purse!

It perfectly suits most "social snapping" situations.
But it sucks at landscapes. Night landscapes are an infinite mass of blackness, no matter how hard I try. Or how slow I set the shutter speed. *sigh*
As a child, my parents had a leather bag filled with all things photography. A good camera, a tripod and a bunch of filters.
We were lucky in that we got to visit to exotic locales. And they snapped the most breathtaking pictures I could imagine.
I attached so many memories of...life to those pictures. To capturing a moment so special and unique that it had to be immortalized in a photograph.
The digital craze was decades away.
There was no instant way of knowing the end result. So you'd strive to capture the best with every shot.
And if unsure, tried again, again and again.
Only much later did the printed images show. Sometimes a week or more after walking through clouds in the mountains or jumping waves at a virgin beach.
Then the memories unraveled again, with the taste of saltwater or the chill of a temperate climate.
Life is sweeter through the lens of a 35 mm camera.
I'm still unsure, however, if I am ready to commit to a new hobby. Or I am simply enamored by the idea of looking through life through rose colored glasses.
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