My newest interest is a game for the Wii console called Rock Band 2. It's an interactive video game that allows multiple user set up a band and play guitar, base, drums and sing. It is set up in different levels of difficulty. The game comes with over 100 rock songs.
I'm totally shocked that I actually like this game because I am very much musically challenged: I am pretty much tone deaf, have no rhythm AND I don't really care for rock music (*collective gasp*, I know) EXCEPT for System of a Down (the greatest band ever!)
OK, so save for Serge and the gang and a handful of popular rock songs, I don't care for the genre.
BUT I love this game.
I turns out I'm no good at the guitar. The drums are an impossibility! The lack of rhythm and coordination have something to do with that, I'm sure.
But I love singing!!!
I never, ever sing ~ outside the comfort of my double glass paneled, ultra-noise cancelling car, that is.
Until now!!!
I still suck. Don't get me wrong.
But due to an unforeseen turn of event (it's like "a break in the Matrix" or something) I turn out to be quite the gifted singer of the Chili Peppers Song "Give it Away"

I am shocked. And delighted. Shocked because, well: I've never been able to sing along to songs on the radio.
I can't follow the lyrics. (I blame this on my "English as second language" handicap) and I never really cared for the Chili Peppers.
But suddenly I'm transformed into someone who is good at something musical and happens to be a video game.
I can't wait to go back to Massachusetts and show off my mad skillzzz to the ones that introduced me to this game!
Watch out, I'm quite a Rock Star! and modest, as well :P
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