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All the roads have bike paths on the side to accommodate the affluent bicyclists in their quest to conquer their hobbies safely.
It has even been encouraged in some boards, for cyclists to ride CLOSER to the car lanes and away from the curb in order to "force cars into the next lane" I kid you not!
The self indulgent, worthless pricks are not happy enough to have their own lane, they need to force vehicles onto oncoming traffic.
And, no. If you are one to take a leisurely stroll by the beach or use your bike for your daily commute, I am not speaking to you.
All my disparaging comments and hatred are geared toward the "Lance Armstrong" wannabes that bike in herds of 20, choosing to neither obey the law and bike in their lane or
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You know who you are: you spent $1,750 on your decked out bike, your clothes make you look like a schizophrenic Cirque du Soleil cast member, not because your Tour Sponsors have offered you money to show their logos, but because you and your Starbucks crew think it makes you look pro.
You don't ride in an obnoxiously large group because there's safety in numbers, but because the "riders club" bonds you to like minded schmucks. You take all over the roads, cut people off, chose to disobey all traffic laws and continue to put yourself and the rest of the world at risk. But it's OK because you have a trendy aerodynamic helmet that costs more than a member of the working class makes in a month so...carry on.
So you are probably thinking: Cry me a river! You complain about the width of th
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Yes, I am aware that my complaint is.....TRIVIAL. But I chose to voice my opinion because I am tired of laws that protect those that feel entitled, those that have no respect for others and pride themselves in showing no courtesy or common sense.
I complain because your yuppie hobby infringes on my rights. I complain because I can.
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