I'm not sure how I feel about this quote. On first glance it makes sense: fear based respect IS despicable. It's cowardly. Both for the bully that imposes himself onto the masses and for the mindless heard that are subdued by lack of courage.
On second thought: Can you really have RESPECT based on fear? I think not. I think you have the illusion of respect. But true respect is something more noble, something sublime th
Image by agitprop via Flickr
There are two types of leaders: those that lead from fear and those who lead by respect. The first have breakdown the morale of their subjects, and like slaves, hostages or abuse spouses they will submit to orders without questioning.
The second lead by example, by holding a higher standard, by offering protection, security, wisdom and comfort to their subjects.
Going back to the original quote: "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear"
Is it despicable for the tyrant that intimidates his subjects into complacency? or despicable for the subjects to accept, yield and oblige to this treatment all in the name of "respect?
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