Well, I'm just getting that out in the open because from time to time I would like to share with you certain things that I think are just AMAZING. But the truth is that they are pure Geekery.
Let me introduce you to Great Courses. Brought to you by The Teaching Company. From their site description: "The Teaching Company brings engaging professors into your home or car through courses on DVD, audio CD, and other formats. Since 1990, great teachers from the Ivy League, Stanford, Georgetown, and other leading colleges and universities have crafted over 250 courses for lifelong learners like you."
Seriously, this totally makes me happier than you could ever imagine: Having the best professors in the world teaching enthralling subjects. All at my fingertips and available in the comfort of my car!
What else could one want?!?
They cover subjects such as business, philosophy, religion, science, social sciences, intellectual history and many more.
I have completed a course titled: Augustine: Philosopher and Saint (12 lectures, 30 minutes/lecture). At the end, I was in awe. I wanted more.
I am currently listening to Argumentation: The Study of Effective Reasoning (24 lectures, 30 minutes/lecture) ~ This one is a wee bit dryer and has taken me a bit longer to digest. I still love these lectures. LOVE, I tell you.
So much so that I had to tell you. In case I happen to be soooo smitten by a new concept I learned through Great Courses that I just have to blog about it...
(Told ya I was a geek!)
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