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l'Heure Bleue
Look at the freedom and beauty captured here:

A boy jumps over a row of lavender in a field in Carshalton, south London, Wednesday, July 22, 2009. (AP Photo/Sang Tan)
I wanna hop through a lavender field one day.
I love to do child-like things like that. To take in nature and its spirit. Not just visually but spatially as well.
To become part of the divine, even if just for a second.
"Who are you?"
Great Courses
Well, I'm just getting that out in the open because from time to time I would like to share with you certain things that I think are just AMAZING. But the truth is that they are pure Geekery.
Let me introduce you to Great Courses. Brought to you by The Teaching Company. From their site description: "The Teaching Company brings engaging professors into your home or car through courses on DVD, audio CD, and other formats. Since 1990, great teachers from the Ivy League, Stanford, Georgetown, and other leading colleges and universities have crafted over 250 courses for lifelong learners like you."
Seriously, this totally makes me happier than you could ever imagine: Having the best professors in the world teaching enthralling subjects. All at my fingertips and available in the comfort of my car!
What else could one want?!?
They cover subjects such as business, philosophy, religion, science, social sciences, intellectual history and many more.
I have completed a course titled: Augustine: Philosopher and Saint (12 lectures, 30 minutes/lecture). At the end, I was in awe. I wanted more.
I am currently listening to Argumentation: The Study of Effective Reasoning (24 lectures, 30 minutes/lecture) ~ This one is a wee bit dryer and has taken me a bit longer to digest. I still love these lectures. LOVE, I tell you.
So much so that I had to tell you. In case I happen to be soooo smitten by a new concept I learned through Great Courses that I just have to blog about it...
(Told ya I was a geek!)
Riddle Me This...
Image via Wikipedia
Anyhow, shortly after contemplating my next Amazon purchase I thought. "Wait, Throw Away Fifty Things ...Is that pretty much the bones of this book?
Why can't I just "throw away fifty things" and see how it goes?
Why should I spend $20 on this? So the author can tell me why uncluttering my surroundings will liberate my mind?
So I can be given examples of crap that needs to be tossed? (I'm sure I can come with more than 50 things on my own)
If I buy this, Wouldn't this just be another unnecessary acquisition?
Will I then have to throw of fifty ONE things to make up for this purchase?
Suddenly, the seemingly brilliant buy had turned into Theater of the Absurd.
For the time being, I think I'll start out by throwing away fifty things on my own. If I encounter difficulties I might check out this book (from the Public Library)
This is how I feel most days...

Of course I am the girl. And the sumo? Well, that's just my day...
hmmmm..... I think I need to change sports, or at least strategies. Something tell me I have no chance if I continue with my current approach.
"The things you own end up owning you" ~ Fight Club

On my way back from a weekend trip, I saw a storage facility and thought :"oh, maybe it would be a good idea to get a small storage unit to clean up the house a bit"
Then I saw the name of the place: 1-800-PACK-RAT
Wow, what a rude awakening.
I live in a comfortable home that should more than fit my needs, yet I am contemplating shelling out big bucks monthly in order to "clean up"
Who am I kidding, I need to downsize.
So I've decided to drastically reduce my belongings. By the end of August, I hope that have "relocated" a great portion of my possessions. I'm talking gifting, donating or trashing a lot of the clutter than consumes me.
Also, I have committed myself to making smarter purchasing choices in the future.
I mean all the de-cluttering in the world will do no good if I continue to accumulate junk, right?
I vow to not buy "stuff". I am only going to buy things I need or love.
If it's iffy. If it doesn't floor me. If I am not replacing something I already own and have ran out of: It's going back on the shelf!
Hopefully, in the process my mind will unclutter as well... I'll keep you posted.
The Trivial: Ultra Distance Athletes and other Lunacies...

Earlier today I read an article in Men's Fitness Magazine highlighting the craziness that is called Ultra Distance Athletes. These nuts take part in insane races like 100 miles in rough, inaccessible terrain. Voluntarily.
WTF? Don't these people know that a simple race from the Battle of Marathon to Athens, just 26 miles, KILLED Pheidippides?
Yep. He dropped dead at the end. Yet modern men try to emulate the feat by enrolling in marathons everyday. Fine. Crazy, but I'll leave it alone.
But when people boast about taking part in SUPER- DUPER Marathons, I just think it's odd.
Listen to the article's author account of these super endurance feats:
Book Review: The No Asshole Rule
Image by happyeclair via Flickr
Today I read the book "The No Asshole Rule" (building a civilized workplace and surviving one that isn't) by Robert J. Sutton, PhD.
This was interesting book. And long overdue, at least for me. In all my hot headedness I fail to be able to constructively deal with assholes in the workplace.
I don't do well when confronted by jerks. I don't retract into a corner, yet I fail to deal with assholes in a way that is productive for me.
Lately I seem to be in need of "honing" my skills with this particular group.
You see, I get too emotionally involved in the situation. Exactly what a manipulator wants, I suppose.
I take my job seriously. And I take pride on doing it well.
I see my job as an organism that should strive toward a common goal: productivity. I know how to do my job, and in my world you are either an asset or a liability. If you are an asshole and dealing with your shit takes time away from what I should be doing either because you are making noise my way or because I have been called to mediate your asshole-ness; then you are a liability.
More than an annoyance, you need to "be reapproached" so I can continue on my way.
But often my anger and reactions leave me drained. Assholes hinder my productivity and it pisses me off.
This book is not a meek self help book for the chronically bullied. It is packed with statistical references and studies from a management science perspective on the reason why this type of behavior is detrimental to organizational and personal success. It also gives "coping" skills for those unfortunate enough to be trapped in an asshole dominated workplace. But this part is confined to one chapter of the book.
The rest of the book uses social psychology and a sound business approach to dissect what usually is an emotionally laden subject.
Out of all of the "Forbes" lists and PhDs and fancy experts this book cites, the most sound piece of advice this book gives the corporate victim of assholes is : "You are allowed to walk out."
It seems trivial and even condescending to mention something like that. But keep in mind that from childhood we have been conditioned to obey the parent, obey the teacher, obey those whose "authority" has been forced upon us -- so much so that, as adults, we tend to overlook the fact that we can always walk away.
This book also gives some sound advice to those enslaved by assholes:
- Do everything you can to limit your contact with the worst people.
- Go to as few meeting with the known asshole as possible.
- Answer inquires from them as slowly and rarely as you can and
- When you can't avoid them, keep the meetings short.
Further it even gives the reader tips from POWs on how to endure the most traumatic of situations.
Overall, this was a very good read. However, if you are looking for a "Dr. Phil" approach to dealing with work bullies, if you want a warm and fuzzy read that will lull you into complacency: this ain't it. As a matter of fact this book with leave you cold and dry begging for a warm fire and Kumbaya.
But if you prefer a more clinical approach to dissecting the motivations of assholes in the workplace, you will enjoy this easy read.
(yeah, I still need yoga and men pen lai- I haven't forgotten)
Finished: The Geography of Bliss
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One of the rare times when I finish a book and wish it would have been a little longer.
I am impatient. Very much so. And competitive as well. I approach everything as a challenge to be conquered; if not won, at least confronted and attempted tenaciously.
Even activities I enjoy, I look forward to reign victory over.
I know, I know: I need to chill.
Maybe finishing this book and feeling like I need to linger is a sign that I am mellowing.
This book is interesting in that it's like a self-help book in disguise. With all the stigma associated with the self-help genre, particularly outside the U.S, it's no wonder an author would chose to camouflage his work with sociological experiments and applied philosophy.
But the truth is that if you are truly happy, you would find no use for this book. You are already there.
The intended audience for this book is the chronically blue. Maybe not the depressed, per say. Just the "light" blue. Those for which there's still hope.
So, if you buy a book hoping that reading it would improve your state of mind, somehow; Are you not searching for a self-help book?
Granted this is not exactly a "Step by Step Guide to Bliss". But by reading this you hope to learn by observation. Hoping that the quiet contemplation of the happy (and the unhappy) would enrich your life somehow.
So what did I get out of this book?
1. I need to get back to doing yoga
2. mai pen lai: Thai for "never mind, just let it go"
OK. so I got a lot more than that out the book. Lots of food for thought. But like all major shifts, I can only digest them in small morsels.
1. Yoga brings me joy. Maybe not joy but a sense of balance that is inexplicable and essential.
I stopped doing yoga because working a 70 hour work week left me unable to think, to move. Doing a Sun Salutation no longer seemed like a welcomed challenged but a threat to sanity.
I'm working less now. Not that much less, but enough where I can squeeze yoga comfortably at least once or twice a week.
2. mai pen lai: Never mind. No, really. Never mind. Just let things go.
I think a lot of my internal turmoil is due to emotional constipation. The inability to process or discard that which is no longer needed or helpful.
I hold on to things like grudges or unpleasant memories as if, at the end, the one with the longest running score of negativity will win.
I lose my temper and throw tantrums all day long.
Will any of these matter 5 years from now? no.
five months? nope?
what about 5 days from now? probably not.
Then why have I spent so much energy, releasing all this cortisol into my body for something fleeting? yeah, I have no idea.
Now, while stupid cyclists will probably continue to annoy me, at least now I have come to the realization that they don't have to ruin my day. I can just mai pen lai.
Reading: The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner
The book wasn't due to arrive until today. But I got it Thursday afternoon. Just in time for my long weekend getaway beach side.
The Geography of Bliss studies happiness across the globe. It relies on sociology, psychology, study of religion and spiritualism to examine happiness across diverse cultures.
I started this book yesterday, shortly after arriving at one of my favorite places on earth: a beach side retreat.
I can imagine fewer places where I feel more at peace and in synchronicity with the universe than near the ocean. Everything just feels right.
It is quite a perfect setting to study the subject of happiness. (after all, I can't imagine reading about happiness and being surrounded by misery- It's be to angry to open myself up to the experience)
I like this book, it's quirky and well rounded. It's not perfect. But neither am I.
As I read it, I feel like Anthony Bourdain is narrating its pages in my head with the unequivocal dose of cynism that onlhy he can infuse to life.
This book has a myriad of interesting observations about humanity, our differences and how our perception of reality and acceptance of same has everything to do with ...happiness.
I plan to examine a few quotes/points from the book here in my blog. Because I find happiness in itself to be both Trivial AND Divine.
I think happiness IS the meaning of life. (but then again, what do I know?)
Am I happy?
Sometimes. Not always.
So, if I think happiness is the meaning of life, or at least the meaning of my life, Why am I not always happy?
Isn't my duty as a human being to fulfill my existence through happiness?
I am sure trying: I sit here on the balcony of a seaside retreat somewhere in Paradise, with a book in hand, a cold beer at arm's reach and a beautiful Yellow Tail Snapper in the oven....
To oversimplify it:
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Saudade: feeling caused by missing someone or something.
Kind of like "añoro", "hechar de menos" or even "morriña" (although the latter word most often applies to saudade when associated with a longing for the motherland, and its an even more obscure word than Saudade)
Maybe like "Nostalgia" but it differs in that Saudade does not always carry negative connotations. It rather applies to the unnatural state of being separated from that which shares our same essence.
"Saudade is, therefore, one of the deepest human feelings, and the greatness of its power is exactly that it transcends itself, creating other feelings, which, by their turn, stimulate men. And that’s certainly one of the difficulties of translating or even grasping the philosophical significance of saudade: saudade becomes greater and deeper while illuminating other feelings, but it also becomes more difficult to understand it. If this is not enough, we can quote Marânus for a last time:
Eu não sou a alegria, mas apenas
A trágica matéria que a produz.
Na grande escuridão, sou facho a arder
E não avisto minha própria luz!
I am not happiness, but only
The tragic substance that produces it.
In the great darkness, I am a burning flambeau
And I don’t see my own light.
(Pascoaes, 1920, p.216)"
I feel it daily. It has become part of my composition. Without melancholy or over sentimentalism.
It just is. And I just feel it.
For my brothers, my father, The Christmas winds and a time of innocence.
I can't define it, but I know it. Just as I know, but cannot describe, the intensity of the color red.
Rule #1
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I was doing some research on internet etiquette and came upon a site listing the rules on everything internet related and came upon this absurd rule.
First of all, who the hell actually needs a blog.
No one.
No one in the world needs to keep an online log about anything.
Unless you are the Dalai Lama, your daily contemplations are not a need that humanity needs filled.
No one needs a blog. Ever.
Yet millions will continue to write their thoughts on the web. Some actually have an audience in mind. Some will keep their web log as a virtual stream of consciousness published for everyone to see.
Some have purpose. And some are merely written as a public scream of frustrations.
~ Does that in itself make blogs needed?
I think so. Type away.
Food for Thought:
What's your talent?
Don't tell me you don't have one, because very few people in this world are totally talentless (yet they still manage to make it big in Hollywood. Imagine that!)
So now think about the thing that drives you, the thing that makes you feel as if you are floating above all matters and engaging in what you were meant to do.
I'm not talking Green Peace or Doctor's Without Borders (but hey, if that's " your thing", more power to ya)
I'm talking about much simpler things that you do, which bring you joy and a sense of purpose.
It can be sports, or writing, painting, photography, reading and analysing the classics. Do you have enough courage to give it your finest attempt?
Or do you sulk in your room at night wondering what could have been?
Do you give your attempts every ounce of strength and every breath inside? Or do you attempt things half-heartedly because deep inside you think that if you "fail" at this, the failure wasn't because of YOU, but rather because "you weren't really trying"?
Do you really think all the greats that are KNOWN, are really the best at what they do out of the whole world population?
Maybe they are the chosen few, blessed with the special alignment of circumstances that allows them to be exposed to the world as such.
If you are one of the most talented painters in the world, and you attempt your craft in obscurity. You are afraid for others to see your work. You hide your masterpieces in the attic. Or paint over the same canvas over again because the thought of other criticizing your work with their undeserving gaze paralyzes you with anger.
Maybe the progress of humanity has been stagnated because millions of geniuses haven't had the courage to share with the world their gifts.
So many people are afraid of failing that they would rather succumb into mediocrity.
I'm not sure how I feel about this quote. On first glance it makes sense: fear based respect IS despicable. It's cowardly. Both for the bully that imposes himself onto the masses and for the mindless heard that are subdued by lack of courage.
On second thought: Can you really have RESPECT based on fear? I think not. I think you have the illusion of respect. But true respect is something more noble, something sublime th
Image by agitprop via Flickr
There are two types of leaders: those that lead from fear and those who lead by respect. The first have breakdown the morale of their subjects, and like slaves, hostages or abuse spouses they will submit to orders without questioning.
The second lead by example, by holding a higher standard, by offering protection, security, wisdom and comfort to their subjects.
Going back to the original quote: "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear"
Is it despicable for the tyrant that intimidates his subjects into complacency? or despicable for the subjects to accept, yield and oblige to this treatment all in the name of "respect?
Food for Thought
I read a study a long time ago which measured levels of happiness in very different socio-cultural settings: The survey interviewed the top earnest in Forbes' lists and also some of the poorest people in the slums of India. Surprisingly enough, the slum dwellers had a higher level of happiness than the richest, most successful people in the world.
Image via Wikipedia
At the time this was completely shocking to me. How could the richest people in the world not be the happiest? How could be ridden by difficulties and disease find any level of happiness?
I've thought about this for a long time and the only thing that I could think of were the variables:
- What did the richest figures have to give up in order to achieve their level of success?
- What kind of voids can "purchasable" items fill? and for how long?
- What kind of bonds do adversity forge that could overcome physical and emotional distress?
- If happiness is so independent of financial and recognized success, Why does our society put so much effort, so many tears, sacrificed so many missed moments in order to reach a certain point of success?
- Even if you reach a higher level of achievement and personal wealth, Is it ever enough?
- Do people ,then, stop trying with so much effort and determination to posses material things or peer recognition and focus their energy into nobler causes?
- Is this "quasi-socialist" approach really the answer?
- Is being a non-comformist the fuel that drives progress, or the flame that ignites unhapiness and despair?
Safe Air Travel
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I'm talking health and safety precautions in midst of the Swine Flu Pandemic.
I was both shocked and delighted that the incoming flight was quickly cleared at the terminal and not even 5 minutes later a departing flight was boarding.
Fantastic from a timing perspective. But a little scary when you think that virtually no time at all was spent cleaning hard surfaces of trash, debris and bodily fluids that could potentially spread the disease.
When you think about a two hundred people in cramped quarters, breathing the same recycled, stuffy air, snotty children wiping their noses on the chairs hoping to lull themselves out of the misery of air travel.
ahhh, let's not forget the teeny stainless steel lavatory with ten other passengers awaiting. Are they practicing proper hand washing prior to exiting? Or spreading germs for others to catch?
Yes. I am a bit of hypochondriac. I tend to obsess about germs and things like that. I visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website periodically "just to stay afloat"
I know it's not "normal"
Prior to my flight, I briefly considered wearing a mask to protect myself. But I know I can't let my irrational fears get the best of me. Or else my quality of life would be limited.
Besides, what are the chances I would get sick, anyway?
But as I lay here basking in the misery of the second day of a Flu I caught on vacation, I can't help but wonder if airlines are taking sufficient measures to ensure that passenger safety.
I'm not talking "extreme disinfection measures" I don't want everything radiated with UV light, Lysol or alcohol (although one can dream)
Nor am I suggesting we take measures such as the Japanese (A friend of mine who recently traveled there told me that prior to exiting the plane, every passenger was scanned with a thermal device and those that registered higher than normal temperatures were quickly quarantined)
What I am suggesting is that air support staff at least makes an effort to lightly clean the plane before boarding a new heard.
It seems like we have become complacent and desensitized of the H1N1 matter; if not physically, at least mentally. It seems like the pandemic has becomes one of those things that "only other people" have to worry about...
Former Vice President "in trouble" for keeping CIA secret
- Isn't the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) supposed to have secrets?
- Isn't that the agency that's supposed to actually have American spies working to protect our interests?
- Isn't the whole point of a spy to work undercover and not divulge details of their operations?
Can't take the whiners anymore.
I don't want to hear it.
You are one of the protected, and don't you forget it.
Treasure the oblivion in which you live.
Praise the Lord for even being able to to voice your "discontent" with the system without retaliation; and give thanks every breathing hour that you are lucky enough to live in such an amazing country.
As far as I am concerned, if you are going to just sit there, in the comfort of your suburban spread and bitch and moan about your "right to know" IF YOUR DISCOMFORT with the system is too great, just move.
Move to another country. The grass is always greener, they say.
Take your clan and make up your own tribe, somewhere where you can make your own rules and people will cooperate and follow you as their loving leader.
Move! ~ and come back a few month later. When the shiny newness of ex-pat life has worn and your melancholy consumes you...because your never knew how good you had it here.
Bike Laws
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All the roads have bike paths on the side to accommodate the affluent bicyclists in their quest to conquer their hobbies safely.
It has even been encouraged in some boards, for cyclists to ride CLOSER to the car lanes and away from the curb in order to "force cars into the next lane" I kid you not!
The self indulgent, worthless pricks are not happy enough to have their own lane, they need to force vehicles onto oncoming traffic.
And, no. If you are one to take a leisurely stroll by the beach or use your bike for your daily commute, I am not speaking to you.
All my disparaging comments and hatred are geared toward the "Lance Armstrong" wannabes that bike in herds of 20, choosing to neither obey the law and bike in their lane or
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You know who you are: you spent $1,750 on your decked out bike, your clothes make you look like a schizophrenic Cirque du Soleil cast member, not because your Tour Sponsors have offered you money to show their logos, but because you and your Starbucks crew think it makes you look pro.
You don't ride in an obnoxiously large group because there's safety in numbers, but because the "riders club" bonds you to like minded schmucks. You take all over the roads, cut people off, chose to disobey all traffic laws and continue to put yourself and the rest of the world at risk. But it's OK because you have a trendy aerodynamic helmet that costs more than a member of the working class makes in a month so...carry on.
So you are probably thinking: Cry me a river! You complain about the width of th
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Yes, I am aware that my complaint is.....TRIVIAL. But I chose to voice my opinion because I am tired of laws that protect those that feel entitled, those that have no respect for others and pride themselves in showing no courtesy or common sense.
I complain because your yuppie hobby infringes on my rights. I complain because I can.
Talk Less, Say More
Image by Miss υηιqυє → <3 via Flickr
If you've done any research at all on blogging, you know the golden rules to starting a successful blog:
- Pick a topic
- Know your target audience
I am certainly not social enough to bother with the nuances of Faceboook, nor do I consider myself important enough to Tweet.
So this soliloquy is my most gregarious atempt at "social networking"
I speak here, not with an audience in mind, nor with a topic in mind. I pour random thoughts here as if this was my Diary. Not the kind with the cute lock and adorable key that my brothers were always trying to pry open, but with an open book that I publish to the world.
Not with the hopes to read and recognized but this catharsis is cheaper than therapy.
With web logs readily available, the condition of anonymity so treasured in personal journals has been traded in for the comfort of knowing that words posted will be forever immortal in the world wide web.
The topic will be whatever crosses my mind at the time ~ Inquietudes, if you will.
And the audience may not exist other than people attempting to kill the boredom that devours them.
But I am fine with that as well, because when boredom comes my way, I will read their Blogger posts as well.
Food for Thought
The Ultimate Diet
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These books are usually divided in two categories:
- Those that tell you to exclude a food group and
- Those that tell you to use common sense.
I think we are all familiar with the first: the low fat crazes of the 90's (Snackwells, anyone?) The Atkins craze of bacon and steak (hmmmmmm, steak) and a myriad of others that shun balance in favor for the obsessively controlled.
These books appeal to those that have deep guilt issues, and want to punish themselves for being naughty with deprivation.The second type of book is usually a spin on common sense: don't eat processed foods, there are some foods that are better than others, natural is best, eat more fruits and vegetables and less animal products AND if you do eat animal products, chose lean meats over fried pork rinds. But nobody is going to buy a book based on what your grandma already knew about food. That's why author's need a spin, an exotic twist so they call sell their books.
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They need a trendy yet profoundly insecure celebrity to endorse the diet. ehem. "way of life" Maybe they'll tie some obscure mysticism tied to the way the food should be grown or prepared. They have to. Because common sense is not trendy, it's not fashionable, marketable or profitable. BUT if you embelish common sense with a trendy name (a far away, exotic vacation destination perhaps) Put a shiny cover with celebrity endorsements and submit your "way of life" to all the PR reps you know....
baby!you will make it $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
The Trivial and The Divine
I loved the imagery that the words conjure - Like a more philosophical way of saying "everything between heaven and hell"
Basically those are good words to discribe Blogger. As soon as you hit the "Next Blog" button you are making a leap into a infinite universe of ideas, creativity, visual arts, mind clutter, advertising, philosophy, great thinkers and stunning beauties.
All waiting to be speak, to be noticed, to make a difference, to break out of a mold and show the world what fills their minds and their time.
You can hit "next Blog" and get trapped in a world of pink glossy make up and fragrant bubbles, you can land in a rudimentary attempt to sell goods, an artist attempting to shout or a lonely soul that has a hundred blog follwers and suddenly can go on existing.
I dislike the 3rd party layouts that leave out the navigation button that allows you to cruise from one universe to the next.
Don't silence their voices.
Is this the Brand Name promise!
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I am sure makers of the popular OTC pain killer will argue that as long as people follow the label directions, no one will experience liver failure. (just a brief increase in liver enzymes, no big deal)
And that if people had common sense, they would never be near these risks. The problem that the FDA has with this argument is that many people are ingesting acetaminophen (the generic name for Tylenol) Cough and Cold medicine and a large number of pain killers from Vicodin to Fioricet all contain acetaminophen.
So what happens when the pain you are treated is not alleviated with one pill? You take another one, right? Well, in doing so many people are putting themselves at risk to overdose on acetaminophen and they don't even know it. After all, they think "I'm taking a prescription. This isn't Tylenol!"
And that's where the problem lays. The FDA is not considering taking Tylenol or Acetaminophen pills of drugstore shelves. What it would like to ban in the "hidden" combination of a controlled substance with acetaminophen.
Not surprisingly a spokes person for an agency that represents OTC medicines says: "The truth is that acetaminophen is the safest choice for pain and fever," But then again, don't forget who writes her hefty paycheck. I mean, could she even dare to hint that the FDA could be right. Not a chance! Not if she wanted to keep her job. Specially in this recession, please!
Liver Damage! What's the big deal? Isn't the liver one of those disposable organs?