
Safe Air Travel

I recently took a three hour plane trip across the East coast with South West Airlines and question the safety of the trip. Nope, not what you are thinking.

In Little Italy the airport's so close you're ...Image via Wikipedia

I'm talking health and safety precautions in midst of the Swine Flu Pandemic.

I was both shocked and delighted that the incoming flight was quickly cleared at the terminal and not even 5 minutes later a departing flight was boarding.

Fantastic from a timing perspective. But a little scary when you think that virtually no time at all was spent cleaning hard surfaces of trash, debris and bodily fluids that could potentially spread the disease.

When you think about a two hundred people in cramped quarters, breathing the same recycled, stuffy air, snotty children wiping their noses on the chairs hoping to lull themselves out of the misery of air travel.

ahhh, let's not forget the teeny stainless steel lavatory with ten other passengers awaiting. Are they practicing proper hand washing prior to exiting? Or spreading germs for others to catch?

Yes. I am a bit of hypochondriac. I tend to obsess about germs and things like that. I visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website periodically "just to stay afloat"
I know it's not "normal"
Prior to my flight, I briefly considered wearing a mask to protect myself. But I know I can't let my irrational fears get the best of me. Or else my quality of life would be limited.
Besides, what are the chances I would get sick, anyway?
But as I lay here basking in the misery of the second day of a Flu I caught on vacation, I can't help but wonder if airlines are taking sufficient measures to ensure that passenger safety.
I'm not talking "extreme disinfection measures" I don't want everything radiated with UV light, Lysol or alcohol (although one can dream)
Nor am I suggesting we take measures such as the Japanese (A friend of mine who recently traveled there told me that prior to exiting the plane, every passenger was scanned with a thermal device and those that registered higher than normal temperatures were quickly quarantined)
What I am suggesting is that air support staff at least makes an effort to lightly clean the plane before boarding a new heard.
It seems like we have become complacent and desensitized of the H1N1 matter; if not physically, at least mentally. It seems like the pandemic has becomes one of those things that "only other people" have to worry about...


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